Let your leads nurture themselves through media

Remember in college when you got that C- in some obscure history class? Remember when your parents asked you about it you said you had a different learning style then the teacher? For some reason this made all the sense in the world to you and your parents. It may have partially been true, some of us learn orally and some visually. Some of us spend endless time skimming through the headlines on Twitter while some of us search for videos on YouTube about the exact same topics. Why is this? We were born with tendencies and like to learn different ways. Now, let’s put two and two together here, who does our traffic consist of? Crawlers? Well yes, but also people! People have the tendencies and the ability to tell you how they want to learn.

How does your traffic learn? Is it through educational landing pages targeted at your keywords? You may be right. This may be how they learn; however, I guarantee this is only because it’s all you’ve given them. Why not let them choose how they are going to be educated. Now, just for the record, when I speak about educating traffic, I’m referring to nurturing a lead; they should be one and the same, after all.

I want to introduce you, to your new best friend: A Resource Landing Page. This landing page will help you become not only a Marketing Machine, but also a leading authority in your vertical due to the library you have (are going) to build up.

Imagine a landing page that holds all of the following in a neatly categorized manner:

  • Articles
  • Whitepapers
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Videos

You let some one click on one of the above means of media. Once they’re on the “Webinars Landing Page,” you can show them more Webinars! This will allow you to increase the click through of your website and nurture your clients by allowing them to be nurtured how they want to, whether they know it or not.

 Next thing you know, you have someone on your site, and they’ve watched 5 videos, 3 of the 5 videos on Widgets and 2 to Gidgets. If they do convert into a lead and you have the right analytics you know quite a bit about them. More importantly, they are extremely comfortable with you because you have a completely nurtured lead.

If you’ve done this right, each piece of media is optimized for your Search campaigns, you’ve reduced your bounce rate and you’re producing nurtured leads. At a more macro level, you’re actually developing that reputation as a thought leader that everyone with a blog is after these days.

Kevin W. Elliot

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