What calls your traffic to action?

We often have a few main concerns when it comes to how our website is performing. Obviously, we want to engage traffic and nurture them into a quality lead. We also measure conversion, which is a great way to measure how all of the different aspects of our website are performing. Why can’t we do both at the same time? Why can’t we nurture and convert a lead in the same click? It’s much easier than you think.

A common used term in Website Optimization is, “Call to Action.” Simply put, this is some type of button or form which you can use to either generate or convert a lead. Some of the more common Call’s to Action are buttons with the phrasing:

–          “Request a Quote”

–          “Sign up for our E-Newsletter”

–          “Contact our Sales Team”

These are so commonly used that as a Web-Savvy American public we’re conditioned to skim over these as if they’re speed limit signs on the interstate. As our traffic evolves we have to evolve along with it. Don’t get me wrong, the aforementioned Calls to Action are still valuable. There will be traffic that will come to your site and be ready to convert immediately, so let them. I’m talking about the traffic that comes to your site that might still need a little nurturing.

Imagine you are at a Cell-phone providers website, you’re looking for a Smart phone and want to do the research beforehand. Regardless, you’re putting around on each phones “Product Description Page,” looking at its details and comparing it to the others.  In reality, is the number of Pixels on the display going to make or break your life? Possibly, but a majority of the time I’d highly doubt it. You want to see the different features! These features aren’t visible by comparing the fact by fact comparison on the product pages. After staring at the different Product Descriptions blankly for 45 seconds you see a link at the bottom right with an image, it says “See our Blackberry Storm Demo Video.” This type of media is much more valuable so you educate yourself this way. As you click into it you see options to view the videos for other phones you’re interested in! Why can’t you do this with the other types of media above? Let your traffic tell you the type of media they’re interested in and educate them. At the end of the education you have a completely nurtured lead!

How can we nurture a client and convert a lead at the same time? A well designed Internet Marketing campaign will include:

–          Unique Industry News Articles

–          Whitepapers and/or Case Studies

–          Webinars

–          Podcasts

–          YouTube Videos

–          Press Releases

 Imagine that someone is already gone into a category from the homepage. I know they’re interested in Widgets! Hit them with more relevant content: “Download our Whitepaper on Widgets.” I’m also going to have a form pop up when they click on it asking for their information: “Please provide your Name, Company and Email address and we will send across the Whitepaper in the next 30 seconds.” I’m doing three things at once:

–          Positioning myself as a thought leader, I have this awesome Whitepaper

–          Generating a lead, name, company and Email address (this might vary for you)

–          Nurturing a lead, I’m educating them, they’re interacting with me and I know exactly what they’re looking for… WIDGETS!

Kevin W. Elliot

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1 Response to What calls your traffic to action?

  1. Walter says:

    Good info,

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